Come Get Connected and Grow With Us!

Why Connect Groups Are Important To Us:
The What:
Connect groups are small groups of the CBC family which meet in various location throughout the New River Valley. The goal of connect groups are two fold:
The first being what the name suggests- helping people get connected to a community of believers! The second being the focus of going deeper in our walk with Christ.
The How?
Connect Groups will meet once a week within the allotted season. Groups generally last between an hour to two hours each week. Some of the groups are "child friendly" which simply means there will be plans for child care to take place throughout the meetings. Each meeting will take time in prayer, discussion around the Sunday sermon and encouragement to say "yes" to one new thing for the Lord that week. Groups are mostly age/life related (For example: A "College" connect group will comprise of mostly students who are going to college).
The When?
There are 3 seasons (8 weeks per season) of Connect Groups throughout the year at Calvary Baptist Church:
Season 1: January-April
Season 2: May-July
Season 3: September-November
The WHY:
As mentioned in the "The What", Connect Groups are small groups which help you get connected in a community while also growing deeper in faith. At CBC, Connect Groups are vital in accomplishing our core value of "Gathering." Connect Group not only help you gather with a community of believers outside of the Sunday service, they also give you place to build lasting relationships, find support during the hard seasons, and have encouragement to continue living in the Mission of God!
Connect groups are small groups of the CBC family which meet in various location throughout the New River Valley. The goal of connect groups are two fold:
The first being what the name suggests- helping people get connected to a community of believers! The second being the focus of going deeper in our walk with Christ.
The How?
Connect Groups will meet once a week within the allotted season. Groups generally last between an hour to two hours each week. Some of the groups are "child friendly" which simply means there will be plans for child care to take place throughout the meetings. Each meeting will take time in prayer, discussion around the Sunday sermon and encouragement to say "yes" to one new thing for the Lord that week. Groups are mostly age/life related (For example: A "College" connect group will comprise of mostly students who are going to college).
The When?
There are 3 seasons (8 weeks per season) of Connect Groups throughout the year at Calvary Baptist Church:
Season 1: January-April
Season 2: May-July
Season 3: September-November
The WHY:
As mentioned in the "The What", Connect Groups are small groups which help you get connected in a community while also growing deeper in faith. At CBC, Connect Groups are vital in accomplishing our core value of "Gathering." Connect Group not only help you gather with a community of believers outside of the Sunday service, they also give you place to build lasting relationships, find support during the hard seasons, and have encouragement to continue living in the Mission of God!
Ready to Jump In?
If you are interested in joining a Connect Group today, just click the button to the right and come join us as we Grow, Gather and Go together!