Welcome to the CBC Family

Here at Calvary Baptist Church, our vision is to see the people of the New River Valley connected to: God, His Church and to His Mission. We do this by focusing on Growing, Gathering and Going together! We would love for you to join us here at CBC in getting the Gospel to our whole region one individual at a time. To get started, click on one of the next steps icons below!

What's Your Next Step?

The greatest news in the world is that Christ CameDied and Rose Again for You!
An outward symbol of
an inward commitment 
The New Testament is full of instructions for living inside the Body of Christ. 
We are called to be followers  of Christ who study His teachings with the goal of living them out and sharing them with those around us. 
Having a community of believers for accountability and encouragement is vital for your spiritual growth. Join one of our Connect Groups today!
God gifts His children with certain abilities to build the up the Body of Christ which are Spiritual Gifts. Find a place to serve within the Calvary family today!