The Gospel
The GOOD news this world needs.
Romans 3:23 says, "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God." and later on in Romans, it proclaims, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." (Romans 6:23).
Here's the deal: We all have one big problem and that is, we were born in a broken relationship with our Heavenly Father. This is because our first grandparents, Adam and Eve chose to go against God's Word in the Garden of Eden. Because of their sin, the consequence was that sin and death came upon ALL men.
Here's the deal: We all have one big problem and that is, we were born in a broken relationship with our Heavenly Father. This is because our first grandparents, Adam and Eve chose to go against God's Word in the Garden of Eden. Because of their sin, the consequence was that sin and death came upon ALL men.
Being born a sinner (missing the mark) means that there is nothing inside of us that we can produce to be able to achieve the forgiveness of our sins before our Heavenly Father. That's when God's love comes into the story. God's Word tells us that, "while we were sinning, Christ died for us." That's right, God left Heaven down to earth in the form of man to die in your place. Why would He do this? Because out of His love, He provided the only way back to Him; through Christ alone. When one realizes their sinfulness, their inability to do anything about, and that placing their faith in Christ is the only answer, God's Word says we become Children of God and inherit eternal life.
This is just the BEGINNING of the greatest news the world needs to hear..... more specifically that YOU need to hear. You have fallen short in your sinfulness, you cannot do anything in your own ability to make things right with God, Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.
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Want more information on how this applies to you? Fill out the form below and we'd love to connect with you!